
Nathalie Silva

Nathalie’s yoga journey began in the Bikram Hot Yoga tradition in 2003. Initially drawn to yoga for its therapeutic, calming and healing powers after becoming a sleep-deprived mum, it immediately became evident there was a major shift within her every time she was on the mat. This thing called yoga wasn’t just a fitness phase; it was going to be a life-long discipline and a journey of the SELF.
Yoga has been her guidance and saviour during some challenging, stressful, physically and mentally demanding times whilst raising three amazing children.
Nathalie is grateful and honoured to lead her students through a flow and sequence of asanas where they can hold space for a healing and calming transition. She invites her yogis to cultivate and experience a mindful moving meditation through the breath, focus and stillness for the growth of the mind, body, spirit and soul.
Forever a student, Nathalie is devoted and passionate about spreading the yoga love, and encourages her students to maintain a regular practice and dive deeply onto the mat, as it truly is life-changing.

Mary McGilvray

Mary found yoga as a way to get out of her head and back into her body after working in the corporate world for 25 years.
In 2019 Mary completed her yoga teacher training and has loved sharing her passion with others.
Mary’s classes focus on a gentle breath led practice designed to nourish your body, calm the nervous system, and to help you connect back in with yourself.

Jennifer Bell

Jennifer started practicing yoga 25 years ago and immediately fell in love with the practice.
Initially, it was the physical benefit that kept her returning to her mat as she had neck and back issues.  Over time this evolved when she began to see and feel the mental, emotional and spiritual benefits of this ancient practice.
Wanting to dive in deeper, she recently completed her YTT 200 hrs, which to say the least was absolutely life-changing for her.
Her love for teaching and sharing her passion for yoga was born. 
She hopes to give each and every student an experience that will leave them grounded, yet lighter.  A feeling they can take back into the world and their daily lives.

Deborah Peters

Deborah found yoga over 10 years ago at a time in her life when she was searching for ways to manage her way through grief.  Yoga and meditation played an important role in her healing journey. A journey that allowed her to find peace, reconnect with her inner strength and regain a sense of self.
Now yoga is the foundation of Deborah’s life, and it continues to delight and inspire her with gifts for the body, mind, and soul.
Deborah traveled to and practiced yoga in India several years ago. That experience deepened her commitment to her yoga practice and her long held dream of becoming a yoga teacher.
Deborah’s driving passion is to share the yoga experience, in a way that supports people where they are and to help them find strength and peace in their life too.
When Deborah is on the mat her practice focuses on gentle flow, yin, restorative, breath work and meditation.
Deborah’s philosophy is “Now is the time for life and yoga!”. Absolutely inspired by Patanjali’s “Now is the time for yoga”.
A truth passed down through the centuries. 

Molly St John Mosse

Molly first discovered yoga in 2016, a time in her life filled with turbulence.
Yoga helped her to find stillness, to calm the mind, and to breathe through any challenges she may face.
Since falling in love with the practice of yoga, Molly has since gone on to complete her 200HR YTT with Zenko Yoga.
She is passionate about all aspects of yoga practice including asana, pranayama, and the ancient traditions and teachings of the yogic scriptures.
Molly believes in cultivating a strong sense of community, and currently runs a monthly women’s circle & cacao ceremony.

Rin Ilett

Rin found yoga over 10 years ago. The initial intention was to stretch after exercise, but over time, something much deeper was found. A new passion was born and she discovered how to love and nourish herself, as well as tend to her inner world. 
A call from her heart led Rin to recently complete her 200hr yoga teaching training course. 
Her experience was a profound journey, leading her deeper into her practice, herself and paved the way to harness the tools to bring this beautiful ancient practice into her daily life. 
Rin’s intention as a yoga teacher is to share yoga from the heart and guide her students to move through their practice from a place of love and presence. 

Sári Hillmann

Sári discovered her love for yoga during turbulent times in her life. Yoga filled her with peace, joy, focus and love, and allowed her to discover a deeper connection to herself and to life. 
Since then, yoga has become her guide and a core part of her daily routine. Sári loves sharing the healing powers of yoga and the ripple effect of how yoga can impact somebody’s life in positive way. This inspired  her to do her 200hr Yoga Teacher Training. 
As a life long student of yoga, Sári is passionate about guiding fellow yogis through a strong asana while maintaining a deep connection to breath and sensation.
Sári’s classes are fluid , dynamic and for everyone. Her classes are also centred around mindfulness and breath. 

Laurie Sale

Laurie is a dedicated yoga teacher with a heart brimming with passion for both yoga and self-care. 
Laurie completed her yoga teacher training at Krishna Village in Northern NSW and fully submerged herself in yogic living at the village for the duration of her training. Laurie lived and breathed all things yoga, nourished her soul with the science of yoga, including asana, philosophy, meditation and mindfulness. 
Nature has always been Laurie’s sanctuary, and the practice of yoga has unveiled an even deeper connection with the world around her. But even more so with the world within. Laurie navigates the currents of life with yoga and meditation, discovering stillness amidst the chaos. 
Step onto the mat and join Laurie in exploring the dance between body, mind, breath, spirit and soul. 

Aimee Plunkett

Aimee found yoga during a dark season of her life, and fell deeply in love with the practice. Yoga gave her the tools to heal her anxieties, calm her nervous system and deeply connected her to her truest, and most authentic self. 
Yoga was not only the turning point to her healing journey, but it also redirected her onto an authentic path that enabled her to live more mindfully on and off the mat. This unfolding left her curious to do further study and share this life changing practice with community. 
Aimee’s spirited and down to earth nature has enabled her to connect with and hold space for people effortlessly. Aimee holds space in a nurturing container, giving students the freedom to explore their body, filter their mind and come home to their true essence. She guides students through creative movement dualities, of strong and energising, to steady and grounding- focusing on breath, safe alignment and philosophy. 
Off the mat, you’ll find Aimee at an Alternative Health Acupuncture practice, as well as frolicking between the ocean and the bush with her dog. She also loves camping, surfing, reading and recharging the best way she knows how. 


Maddie Grace

Maddie is a teacher who focuses on guiding you to activate your inner power with conscious movement of the breath and body. 
The depth of her Yoga practice and strength of Pilates movements allow the discovery of yin and yang to happen, enabling a ripple effect of mind/body connection. 
Dedicated to her practice for over a decade, Maddie encourages students to show up on the mat, even when life is challenging, as it has proven to hold her in life’s most chaotic times and propel her forward as a stronger being. 
Together she will hold space, guide and encourage you through mindful, memorable and loving classes.

Chontelle Myers

Chontelle is a passionate yogini deeply inspired by community connection, nature’s divinity and poetry. Her focus is to create a safe and loving space for you to unfurl into your softness and authenticity. She allows the wisdom of TCM – Traditional Chinese Medicine, 5 Element Theory, to flow through her classes, guiding a unified mind-body-spirit experience. 
Communicating to specific organs of the body and their meridian lines helps us reprogram on the mat which ripples out into our reality. 
It is Chontelle’s intension that you let go of all expectations and compassionately surrender to the poetry of practice.